Weekly pool service by Eco Clear Pools

- Weekly Service
- Balance your pool (basic chemicals)
- Brush walls, steps and benches
- Empty pump and skimmer baskets
- Skim pool surface
- Vacuum pool 
- Backwash as needed
- Inspect all pool equipment
- Routine Maintenance of pool equipment.

Filter cleans every 4 months required

Calcium Hardness

Calcium hardness is a measurement of how much calcium exists in your swimming pool water.  When calcium hardness is too low, the water in your swimming pool will try to obtain calcium from any materials that are present resulting in markings on the pool tiles and plaster finish.  High calcium hardness also results in cloudy water and murky water.  As with the water’s pH level and total alkalinity level, calcium hardness also needs to be balanced on a regular basis.

Cleaning the Pool

On a weekly basis, your  technician will clean your pool without you having to be at home.  Pool cleaning consists of removing  any and all debris or other materials that should not be inside of the pool.  Larger debris will be removed from the pool using a Poool Vac, as needed.  The top of the pool will be swept and cleared of any surface debris.  Scrubbing the surface tiles will result in the removal of built-up of algae and other grime that has built up over time.

Proper Filtration and Water Flow

The proper flow of water throughout the swimming pool is likely the most important aspect of your swimming pool’s operation and longevity.  The swimming pool pump filter acts as the “heart” of the pool, similar to the heart in an animal or human body.  The filtration system pumps and filters water containing all required balanced chemicals throughout the swimming pool water system as well as throughout all the pool pipes to keep everything balanced.  On a weekly basis, your technician makes sure that the filtration system is operating at optimum performance as usual.  All pipes and valves are inspected to determine that adequate water is flowing throughout your pool system and a visual check for leaks is performed.  Inadequate water flow can result in the immediate development of algae, corrosion, calcium build-up, and other issues resulting in a swimming pool being in bad shape.